TCFC | Social Media

TCFC | Social Media

Since its establishment in 2012, Thimphu City FC has been a prominent professional football club competing in Bhutan’s elite league. Throughout their journey, they consistently remained strong contenders for the title, consistently finishing within the top three positions. Despite being one of the largest sporting clubs in the country, a lack of reliable income stream limited their ability to pay salaries or allowances to everyone involved with the team, restricting it to those directly contributing on the field. As a result, the club ruled out the option of recruiting a paid media team and exploring the potential for gaining popularity through media exposure, consequently making the chances of signing sponsorship deals seem unattainable.


In me, the club discovered a perfect solution. Being a passionate graphic designer with an unwavering love for football, I proved to be an ideal fit for the role. Although I lacked experience in handling social media, I was the most affordable option they could find because I offered to do it for FREE.

I’ve been a part of Thimphu City FC since 2016 as a volunteer, and my primary goal was to boost the team’s media presence. When I took over their Facebook page, we already had a respectable following of over 3000 followers, which was quite impressive for a sports team in Bhutan at that time. However, I knew we could do better.

Over the next three years, I poured my heart and soul into transforming the club’s online visibility. Through engaging content and strategic outreach, we managed to grow our Facebook following exponentially, reaching over 30,000 followers by the time I left in 2019. But it didn’t stop there; I also set up a dedicated academy page with 3000 followers and even established a brand new website.

The impact of our improved media presence was remarkable. Not only did our fan base expand rapidly, but it also opened up new opportunities for the club. We secured our first silverware in 2016, which was a momentous achievement, and it brought in a significant profit. With our growing popularity, we also attracted the attention of reputable kit manufacturers, leading to valuable sponsorship contracts.

I must credit the outstanding coaching staff and the unwavering support from the board for the club’s success on the field. However, I’m proud to say that our strategic handling of social media played an equally significant role in driving the club’s growth and achievements.

During my time with Thimphu City FC, I developed a passion for creative content creation. Alongside compelling still compositions, I ventured into the world of video editing and even designed striking jerseys for the team. It was a challenging and exciting journey, but the results were well worth the effort.

As I look back on my experience with the club, I am filled with immense pride for what we accomplished together. From overcoming financial constraints to becoming a social media trendsetter in Bhutan’s sports scene, we proved that dedication and innovation can make a real difference.

Moving forward, I’m excited to see Thimphu City FC continue to thrive and inspire the next generation of footballers in Bhutan. Our journey serves as a powerful reminder that with passion, determination, and a strategic approach to media, any sports club can achieve great heights.